China’s Xinhua News Agency announced that they had created the world’s first female AI presenter named Xin Xiaomeng.

In a collaboration with Chinese search engine company Soguo, Xin Xiaomeng will make her debut during the coverage of the upcoming Two Sessions meetings this March.

In November of last year, the state news agency introduced Qiu Hao -a male-gendered AI presenter modeled on an actual Xinhua news anchor- during China’s World Internet Conference.

Xinhua and Soguo have also announced that they have built an improved male-gendered AI system named Xin Xiaohao, who is able to gesture, stand, and move more naturally than Xin Xiaomeng or Qiu Hao.

Xinhua has been experimenting with AI-driven journalism in recent years. In 2017, a special reporter named Jia Jia – a female robot dressed in historical clothing – interviewed AI expert and Wired magazine co-founder Kevin Kelly at an event in Hefei. However, Jia Jia had a hard time answering questions naturally. Earlier in 2017, a 1.2-meter robot named Inspire served as an intern reporter for that year’s Two Sessions meeting.

Two Sessions is China’s most important political event of the year. The event is a pair of annual sessions of China’s Legislature, the National Peoples Congress (NPC), and the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the nations top political advisory committee.

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